Enrolment options

Telehealth in Healthcare Practice Management 2024

Telehealth in Healthcare Practice Management 2024

  • Number of CEU:2 CEU
  • Registration Fee:R325
  • Course Accreditation Duration:12 May 2024 - 31 December 2024
  • Course Duration:120 minutes
  • Course Presenter:Micha Klopper
  • Course Level:Level 1
  • CPD Type:Ethical
  • Accreditation Council:HPCSA
  • Accreditation Body:OHASA
  • Accreditation Number:DTO/001/P000032/2024/0039
This course focuses on assisting healthcare professionals to put Telehealth into practice.

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: ZAR 325.00

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